Sunglasses are the ultimate accessory. It’s an easy way to add style to your look without breaking the bank, and it’s often something that people keep with them at all times, much like their wallet, cell phone and keys.

I know many people who spend gobs on money on a pair of “name brand” shades. I however, will lose, break or scratch my sunglasses no matter how well I take care of them, how well they’re made, or who’s name is on them. I also prefer to have more options. And when you’re spending hundreds of dollars on a single pair for name brand shades, one cannot afford to have multiple shapes, colors and sizes to fit every style, occasion or outfit. So I prefer to go cheap and use the left over money to afford more options than just one.

I like simple styles that go with any outfit, and have narrowed down the style that best fits my look and the shape of my face.

Certain sunglasses look better based on the shape of the lens and the shape of your face. So do your research on what shape looks best on you, then purchase the ones that hold the best style and value.

For me, I like my Dollar Tree/Dollar Store shades. Just $1. That’s right ONE DOLLAR. If I scratch them, break them or lose them, I can easily afford another. So I buy multiple pairs of the same styled shade. One I keep in my truck, one I keep with my motorcycle gear and another I can keep in my wife’s car so I’m never without them.eyewear2The black pair shown here is from Wal-Mart and cost me around $5.00. I also bought several pairs and they are especially good for the motorcycle as these have a gradient lenses which is darker at the top and gets lighter at the bottom to block out as much sunlight as possible while allowing for maximum visibility of my instruments.

I would also say that you should keep athletic styled shades with athletic styled clothes. The look doesn’t cross over well. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, or have “nice” shades or to make an impact on your style. Buy cheap. Buy variety. Buy what fits your face. With affordability comes flexibility. You’ll be able to try more styles, have more accessories and never lose your sun glasses again.