
I’m a thirty year old married man and musician who works and lives in Milwaukee, WI. But I want to be a lot of other things too. Well dressed, well groomed, fit, styled, a good husband (someday a good father) ride a cool vintage motorcycle and in general be ‘put-together’.

I love bourbon whisky, good pipe tobacco, tattoos, mens’ fashion, motorcycles, camping, music and so much more. My favorite things are walks to the Lake Michigan shoreline with my wife Hannah and riding my custom 1978 Yamaha XS650 that I built from the ground up with some friends.

I’m connected to vintage things that have history and tell a story and are styled in a way incomparable to today. I’m compassionate and care about improving myself mentally, physically and stylistically. And I believe I can help other men to accomplish these same improvements. So I’ve launched Threads on the Rocks. A blog about me and my never ending adventure for the perfect look, the best whisky, the coolest motorcycles and an uncompromised thirst for improvement.

Some of the posts will be funny and lighthearted. Most will be opinionated. Many will be helpful and provide some simple guidelines on how to dress, groom, style and carry yourself as a gentleman in this modern age.

Welcome to Threads on the Rocks.